The Birth of the Fire of Venus


It is my firm belief that this world is a reflection of the eternal conflict between the male and female principals, the north and the south, the left and the right, the east and the west. We live in a world of duality of black and white instead of technicolour, of day and night instead of constant light.

I believe that in the beginning we were one mind, one body, one flesh, one soul, one spirit. In paradise we were naked with no shame, no guilt or fear and no rules until something happened to cause us to fall and we were shattered into many fragments.

Now we relive this moment we crashed and burned over and over again although each time the story is told in a slightly different way. One blaming the other for what happened to cause the big bang, the great fall out. It is also my firm belief that we can escape this never ending time loop by coming together before returning home, the time for this to happen is fast approaching.

I haven’t written a post on here for almost a year so I thought as it is 8.15 the time that it has always been there is no time like the present. If you have followed this blog and read the previous posts then you will have grasped the concepts that have been discussed. One being that alien contact for me personally is definitely female in origin.

However men are also from extraterrestrial origins, Adam means red and according to the famous book by John GRAY 👽.. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.


Love will Tear us Apart Again

The number six represents the man as 666 is the number of a man according to the Book of Revelation as at times he can act like a beast.

The first man was Adam which as I mentioned means RED. The first man on the moon in 69 was played by Ryan Gosling.


First Man with Two Natures

The number nine represents the femiNINE as in cats having NINE lives and the nine female muses.


Remember the 96 Eternal Flame

The 96 or its twin mirrorverse 69 appears a lot in modern culture, it is also built within the fabric of this reality. Take for instance the above colours of red and blue. The male who is red could symbolise the planet Mars and he could also represent the sun/son. The female being blue could represent the planet Venus and of course the moon.


Ryan Gosling also plays the Gray Man. 👽 Grey is what you get when you mix black and white. A man with two sides and two minds.


As I have stated before the 6 and the 9 see things from a different perspective or angle as one is the reverse of the other.

They are always being kept poles apart from each other as the sun sets the moon rises and on and on it goes. So how do we achieve unity on all levels? How does 2 twin flames become 1? Just as shown in the twin towers becoming the one tower and in Back to the Future the Twin Pine becoming the Lone Pine Mall.

11 x 9 = 99 which when both the male 6 and the female 9 are the same way up of course it is the male who has to change his perspective and get to see things the way the female would. 😉 A shift of 180 degrees.

The twin towers are also the twin pines as shown in the above video and you also catch a glimpse of the two palm trees as they change from the towers to the pines. Palm trees means its date night when the male and the female take TIME OUT of their busy schedule to come together as one.

Released in 1996 and filmed in front of the TWIN TOWERS and TIME SQUARE.

The twin towers are furthermore symbolised by the sun and the moon coming together during an eclipse. The JC PENNEY sign is in the background of the scene in the mall. A penny is circular like the sun and JC represents Jesus Christ who was crucified during an eclipse. It also represents the electromagnetic currency. ⚡️

JC stands for James CASH who was a 33 degree freemason.

The terrorists are Libyan and Libya was chosen because she was a female demigod who gave birth to twins.

Personified as an individual, Libya was the daughter of Epaphus—King of Egypt, and the son of Zeus and Io—and Memphis. Libya was ravished by the god Poseidon to whom she bore twin sons, Belus and Agenor.


The Libyans drive a 1970’s VW VAN which symbolises the V for Venus and the W for Mars/Mercury with the M shifted 180 degrees to align with his twin sister.

I have written about the importance of the VW Van for many years now and how it keeps reappearing in our modern movie culture.

Blue VW with Time Travelling Pluto

The Blue Beetle/BB BarBie which represents Venus/Eve in US is trending at the minute.

Whatever I can I AMAGINE She can Create

It is normally the yellow/orange/red VW that follows me everywhere representing the twin sun/son.

The Final Journey Home

If you notice as with Back to the Future the dog normally appears alongside the VW Van and BTTF itself was originally going to be called Spaceman from Pluto. They even include that in one scene.

The Man Delorean from Bell fast.

The VW symbolism appeared once again with Alan Walker and his music videos. Only this time the V is inverted to an A so she is the one out of sync.

The discovery of an ancient civilisation, ancient artefacts and apocalyptic events are just some of the themes of his music along with stone circles.

VW Vans and dogs are vital companions it would appear if you want to go traveling through time and dimensional space. In the movie below the professor takes his dog with him and discovers an abandoned VW Van with a sun drawn on its woof sorry i mean’t roof.

So in order to travel through time and dimensions and escape this version of reality you have to unearth the VW from within and UNITE them as ONE.

You see your other half, your twin flame is NOT to be found out there in the world at least not until you realise they are hidden within. THEY NEVER LEFT. THEY ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU. We have been searching and looking in the wrong place.


However let us dissect this idea for a moment. The Bible is a secret code book that contains the mysteries of the universe. You cannot decode it by using the logical mind, neither by using your conscious mind. The only way to decode it is if it is revealed to you by the Spirit of God.

The Sprit of God is female in nature it always gently leads you a certain way or towards a certain idea. It never forces or compels you to believe something or towards something.

You decode it using your spiritual mind. If you conscious mind is awake which is normally during the day that represents the male sun. Your subconscious mind is then awake and active during the night. This represents the female moon.

They are never normally active at the same time as in the pillar of cloud that led the people of Israel by day and the pillar of fire that led them by night. The two pillars or the twin towers also symbolise the conscious and subconscious mind.


Map of the World/Matrix

So if the spiritual meaning of a certain passage of the Word of God has been revealed to you, that means you have in your possession part of the code. You can then use this code to decipher other similar passages. This in turn helps you to uncover spiritual truths or secrets of how this reality works.

This is why the Bible was kept away from the ordinary people for so long. They kept it in the hands of the elites as they knew the hidden power it contains. Many were put to death for translating it into other languages.

Today this world system mocks and ridicules it even calling it hate speech because it wants to keep you trapped here in this current nightmare reality, It doesn’t want you to find the key or code to escape.


The old adage two heads are better than one has been one of the main ideas behind my posts since the very beginning.


Mars and Venus the MV Red and Blue Day and Night

One rules by day and one rules by night. The conscious/subconscious mind. However there is a mountain or is it ocean between them that keeps them apart.


This was the soundtrack to the above movie entitled Dusk til Dawn the Ying and Yang.

It features SIA who is famous for her black and white hair.


Bow Ties are Cool



The world out there is a projection of the world within and there is a conflict or a war raging between right and left, east and west, north and south.


Under the Dome

The above image is really important.

It reminds me of my flight from Nashville to Toronto when the guy beside me on the plane handed me his business card. One of those wonderful synchronistic moments that only used to happen occasionally but now occur on a daily basis.


Venus is known as both the morning and evening star because of her position in the solar system. Stars were the theme of my recent trip to the ancient Viking Capital of Jorvik or Old York as opposed to New York. They have one of the best railway museums there and Venus took centre stage.




The 69/96 Ying and Yang Code

I was seeing stars everywhere especially after a few pints.


After which I woke up in Valhalla where the beer was 14 percent proof. Those Vikings were tough dudes right enough they also drank out of horns not pint glasses.


No surprise that I ended up in another star the next day. The oldest pub in York just also happens to be called Ye Olde Starre Inn.

Then I received the usual daily sync when I was having my coffee the next day at Sophies.


The White Knight Rises

York itself was founded by the Romans, the Ninth Legion to be exact; yes that’s the one that is mean’t to have disappeared or presumed LOST. The word York itself means Yew Tree or YOU Tree. Yew trees as I discussed before when I visited Kingley Vale represent rebirth and resurrection.

It was there that I witnessed a time slip and a pagan wedding in the woods.

In returning to the Venus/Mars or VW they have to become one in order to take flight like the Delorean.


The Vandelorean

The VW and ergo myself are also linked to an explosion/ bomb blast and time travel as I have written about before; for example as depicted in the movie Deja Vu.


I don’t think it is to be taken literally more symbolic of the spiritual fire within in addition to the return of our ancestral memories.


The Fire Within

The planet Venus is also known for her fire and her volcanoes and is linked to the Roman god Vulcan and Vulcanalia just so happens to fall on August 23rd.

Vulcanalia takes place on August 23rd every year and observes the power of the god Vulcan. Vulcan was the god of fire; fire of the volcanoes, of metalworking, and the forge. Romans also took this time to show respect for fire.

For the Romans there were two kinds of fire, the constructive fire such as the fire of a candle and the fire used by a blacksmith, and the destructive fire that could decimate their crops or granaries.


The King of the North Jon Snow A Story of Fire and Ice

The most notable event tied to Vulcan’s festival happened in 79AD, where according to the eyewitness accounts of Pliny the Younger, on the 24th of August, the day following Vulcanalia, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius began.

Later, Jupiter offered Venus as a wife to Vulcan but she was unfaithful which would make him fiery angry.


Interestingly a ring of fire appeared on 8/8 in the terrible fires in Hawaii. Thanks to Roobster for this one.

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Ring of Fire /Eclipse

Of course the big story of the summer has been the wildfires that appear to be have been set deliberately. My last post at the Lab was also on the theme of fire as in dragons and Reign of Fire somewhat prophetically.

Despite being associated with fire, red hot lust and volcanoes Venus has also been associated with the colour blue.

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And in addition to its “supermoon” status, this particular full moon will be the second to occur in the month of August, the first having occurred on Aug. 1. As a result, the second full moon of August on the 30th, will be also branded as a “Blue” moon. So, for what it’s worth, what we’ll have will be a “Super Blue Moon.” 

Venus 1969 A Game of Thrones

In the picture below Venus looks like her skin is blue whilst at the same time being associated with red hot nuclear code 86 as in 8.16 the time the bomb exploded in Japan.


The above movie is probably one of the best examples of what this reality is all about as it is packed full of 9/11 twin symbology and the conflict between east and west/male and female.

Atomic Blonde is set during the fall of the Berlin Wall between East and West which is linked to the fall of the twin towers and the twins uniting as one.

Charlize is a spy who has been controlled, brutalised and betrayed by the men around her. She is depicted as cold and ruthless and has an affair with another female spy. Men are shown as weak and evil and not to be trusted.

The movie depicts her more like a man fighting, partying, drinking and smoking and sleeping with women. The actress she sleeps with later becomes The Mummy in the Tom Cruise movie.

She loves Women and DOGSTARS

They even dress her in a BOY t-shirt with the Y in the background representing the male Y chromosome. All femininity and womanhood have been removed trans forming her into a man. Which is why the headline in the magazine is suggesting that she replaces the ultimate male spy 007.


Blue Steal

The film was famous for the battle on the stairwell between Charlize and a bunch of male enemy agents. I have discussed before that this conflict is mirroring the battle within that is taking place on the DNA stairwell.

Mirrors are used to good effect in the movie.


Mirror Mirror

She kills men without pity this represents her ripping mens hearts out who fall in love with her. She represents the Lilith aspect of the female , Adams first wife the ultimate crazy X who is filled with hate and anger for all the hurt of the past. The Woman in Black who murders her children without compassion.

She wants revenge on men and those women who still believe in love. She is currently trapped behind the mirror or the WW over the rainbow in Oz which represents the great deep of our subconscious or hidden in our past memory/DNA.

Twisted FIREY Sister

She is shown as having volcanic anger and also heartless in real life as well.

Eve on the other hand represents the blue divine mother aspect who wants to protect her son/sun the male.

The Many Faces of Eve

Eve controls the electromagnetic currency in her role as Aurora the goddess of the dawn or morning star.

Eva Green plays Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale. Vesper means EVEning star of course.

007 also has a fight on the DNA stairwell involving Eve in a mirror reflection of Atomic Blonde.

Eventually though she steals his heart and then betrays him.

She has the key/password to his heart. She then uses it to take the treasure the currency. Just as with Samson and Delilah. Life and Death are portrayed as a game of chess or poker between the male and female or the King and Queen…the 6 and the 9.


Nena 99 Red Balloons is on the soundtrack to the the Atomic Blonde movie. The song is about the Ice Queen Cold War turning to a red hot Atomic War. Nena also features in the Netflix time travel series Dark about an atomic bomb blast at a nuclear plant in Germany. The series is filled with mirror/twin imagery and parallel worlds.

In returning to Charlize Theron the atomic bomb is a theme in movies related to her.


The Trinity. Mother/Wife/Sister/Daughter

Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, conducted by the United States Army at 5:29 a.m. MWT on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project.

Margot Robbie who is part of the Trinity in Bomb (Venus) Shell is also now trending in the new Barbie film alongside Oppenheimer about the birth of the Atomic Bomb.

Two Heads One Body

Always trace an idea back to its source. The Barbie doll was originally a sex doll shown as a prostitute in a German comic strip.

Barbie’s physical appearance was inspired by Bild Lilli, a German doll created in 1952, which was based on a high-end call girl named Lilli who was featured in the comic-strip Bild-Zeitung. She was sold as an adult novelty in bars and tobacco shops — definitely not as a toy for children.

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The Trinity

The word Barbie means stranger or foreigner or alien from another land/world…like Venus then.


Venice/Venus Twins

Listen to these verses in Proverbs 5:

My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my insight,

that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge.

Though the lips of the forbidden woman drip honey and her speech is smoother than oil, in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword.

5 Her feet go down to DEATH; her steps lead straight to Sheol. SHEOWL.

That is a 5 5 and her feet are not human but more birdlike.

1) foot 1a) foot, leg 1b) of God (anthropomorphic) 1c) of seraphim, cherubim, idols, animals.

The Barbie movie starts with her thinking about DEATH and Dying.

The Hebrew for forbidden woman is to be strange, be a stranger 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to become estranged 1a2) strange, another, stranger, foreigner, an enemy (participle) 1a3) loathsome (of breath) (participle) 1a4) strange woman, prostitute, harlot an alien.

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The Dark Night Rises/Harley Quinn v Batman

The opening scene of Barbie depicts the smashing of babies heads in a mirror image of 2001 A Space Odyssey. This is again more programming about removing the caring mother aspect of the feminine and replacing her with a soulless moonster. The moonolillith is replaced by a giant idoll of Barbie for the children to worship.


In explaining further about the movie 2001 and the stone Monolith Kubrick stated that he wanted to implant a message into humankind’s collective subconscious akin to a hypnotic suggestion.

This same tactic is again being used in Barbie to brainwash children in order to change and reshape the future. It is all about capturing the imagination, hijacking it and taking it in a different direction.

In the movie she winks at the children which is akin to casting a spell.

The expression “winks the eye” is a reference to secret signs and hidden messages (Proverbs 6:13). In this context, it means a signal to evil companions to join in some crime.

Barbie is a very negative movie which again depicts men as weak, stupid, angry and brutal and women are shown a world where men are no longer needed. It is an all out attack on the male and female in an attempt to try and stop them working together or uniting together as one.

Lillith in the Bible was known as a screech owl or a bird of prey who hunted down the souls of children. Notice the two lions at her feet mirroring Charlene’s two dogs that she adores.

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Bird of Prey


Welcome to S HELL

The birth of Venus symbology above is hidden in plain sight thanks to Michael for this one.

Killing babies is also trending at the minute.

Seraphim Angel of Death

I am just highlighting the symbology behind the horrific crimes portrayed in the headlines.


In the movie Terminal Margot Robbie portrays a stripper who is also a serial killer the kicker is there are two of them…twin sisters. In the end they kill their own father by taking his head, of course that is a metaphor for taking his male appendage, she has been doing that since the beginning. Down with the patriarchy and all that.


Red Rum

In Focus she plays a thief a con artist who you can never trust. The first thing she asks him is…

Margot also frequently appears in red here she is coming down the stairwell.

The Queen of Babylon

They even tell you right out in the open how they program us. She was in the Dark.

WuWu Lucyfer Wolf of Wall St.

The same message and music is used with Margot Robbie and the Will IAM the Blacksmith in Suicide Squad. They Cain and Lilith are depicted as being tortured and brutalised and when they are released they want revenge. It has sent them both a tad cuckoo.

You Don’t Know Me/You Don’t Own Me/ Wu Wu

The same conflict between good and evil is taking place within the dark side of the male as well. He too thinks women are not to be trusted and therefore uses them and treats them as disposable once their usefulness has ended.

We have to start with ourselves, we have to end the conflict within. The mind the conscious (day) and subconscious (night) must unite.

We have to deprogram ourselves from all the negative brainwashing that they have been planting into our minds.


Then reprogram our minds with the positive.

“Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

For if the two remain in conflict then he will receive nothing from God. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

[He is] a double-minded
δίψυχος (dipsychos)
Adjective – Nominative Masculine Singular
Strong’s Greek 1374: (lit: of two souls, of two selves), double-minded, wavering. From dis and psuche; two-spirited, i.e. Vacillating.

This video is cheesy I know but tells the story of the twins the two sides well.

The War of the Roses White/Blue vs Red

The Father Figure

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